3 feb 2012

Smart ideas people that are not us have

Stop to think for once how many movements we do on a daily basis that go nowhere.

(25 minutes later...)

Now try and design a device that makes the most of that lost energy, which could be kinetic, potential,...

(Some time in the future...)

Well... let me introduce to you some very interesting and original ideas to generate energy by using "wasted" energy:

A revolving door that produces 4600kWh per year has been installed in Holland. This happened in the Natuurcafe of La Port Train Station and thanks to the door's kinetic energy of rotation several LEDs can be lit.

Source: Inhabitat.com - The World’s First Energy-Generating Revolving Door

In Sweden, they are planning to submerge so-called "sea kites" to take advantage of tidal energy (energy from sea waves). This system designed by Minesto consists of a turbine-equipped kite attached to the bottom of the sea. It starts thanks to the impulse of the tidal energy and manages to converse it into kinetic energy which, provided water density, it generates 1000 times more energy than eolic energy systems do, the company says.

No, they are not planes of World War I

Source: "Sea Kites" Could Harness Tidal Energy For Future Power Plants

I have came across a good idea. While I was writing, I was constantly spinning over the office chair I'm sat in, you know, those that have wheels and armrests. I just thought of putting a dynamo in the juncture between the two halves that spin so that I could produce energy, even more than the 4600kWh of the not-so-good idea of the revolving door.

Source: Me.

Now it's your turn to demonstrate that you have ideas to make the most of that "wasted" energy. Send us your comments!


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